Community Consultation
The success of the ARDAC Study depends on our ability to maintain contact with our participants so we can continue with follow-up screening. The school has been our primary reference point for maintaining contact and locating our participants for follow-up screening. As the participants leave school, ongoing support from health and community-based organisations will be required to ensure the continued screening of participants.

- Their knowledge of Aboriginal families and communities
- Assistance with locating participants in the community after they have left school
- Assistance with the medical follow-up of participants
- Providing support for participants and the screening team during screening visits
- Providing venues for community screening clinics and education

- Initial consultation about the screening study
- Advisory Committee representation from communities
- Ongoing involvement in the development of education resources
- Collaboration on sustaining and strengthening programs within the communities for longer term improvement in health status of Aboriginal communities

- Ensuring a larger range of ACCHS are represented on the Advisory Committee
- Providing local employment opportunities for Aboriginal Health Workers/researchers
- Developing and maintaining ongoing working relationships with Aboriginal communities to facilitate the implementation of the programs developed as a result of the study evidence
- Including local Registered Nurses and Paediatricians in future kidney disease educational promotions aimed at health teams
- Improving the participation of individuals and communities in the research process by collaborating with a variety of local health service providers
- Providing opportunities for capacity exchange and evidence transfer between researchers and members of the screening community
- Developing stronger partnerships valuing the knowledge of Aboriginal individuals and communities
- Increasing awareness about chronic kidney disease (CKD) in local communities and providing evidence to inform local health prevention programmes
- Recruitment of regional Aboriginal Research Officers to assist with screening and follow-up

- Principal
- Deputy Principal
- Coordinator of Aboriginal Education
- Aboriginal Community Liaison Officers
- Aboriginal Education Officers
- Welfare teachers
- Parents and Citizens Association
- Administration staff
- Aboriginal Education Consultative Groups (local, regional, state level)
Health Services
- Aboriginal Medical Services: CEO, Aboriginal Health Workers
- Area Health Services: Aboriginal Health Education Officers
- Primary care providers such as General Practice: Aboriginal Health Link Officers
Community Contacts
- Community elders
- General Practitioners
- Parents, carers and guardians
Community Consent
Community consent forms are to be signed by Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (ACCHSs), or an appropriate alternative Aboriginal community body, working in each screening community.
Community Consent is an acknowledgement that the ARDAC study is working within their jurisdiction with their consent.
Memorandums of Understanding
Memorandums of understanding (MOUs) will be established with the ACCHS in each screening area and will be developed with the other partners.
MoU partnerships will be negotiated with each organisation and acknowledge the time and resources required from each party in providing support for the study.